Special Issue, Reflective Practice in Dance Education
Doug Risner, Guest Editor & Emeritus Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Dance Education
This special issue opens with my 2002 article, "Motion and Marking in Reflective Practice: Artifacts, Autobiographical Narrative, and Sexuality” from the journal REFLECTIVE PRACTICE. The article was the first of its kind to address reflective practice in dance and the first to treat reflective practice as a research method. The full Table of Contents follows below. My sincere thanks to all of the contributors to this Special Issue and to Prof. Karen Schupp, JODE Associate Editor for her administrative expertise.
Table of Contents
"Motion and Marking in Reflective Practice: Artifacts, Autobiographical Narrative, and Sexuality”
Doug Risner
“A Progressive Approach to the Ballet Class: Bringing Reflective Pedagogic Practices to the Classical Tradition”
Zeller, Jessica
"Two-eyed Seeing": Moving from Paralysis to Action in Understanding the Legacy of Indian Residential Schools in British Columbia, Canada”
Kay, Cheryl
“Selfies, Dance and Performance: A Multi-Media & Multidisciplinary Collaboration”
Kasra, Mona & Brooks Mata, Kim
“Methods of reflective practice in a service-learning dance pedagogy course”
Barry, Sarah M.

Special Issue, Dance Futures
Doug Risner, Guest Editor & Associate Editor (USA)
Research in Dance Education
This special issue draws attention to new research on dance futures. Dance and dance education have had significant impact internationally in relation to education, health, social and artistic practice. Practitioners, educators, artists, advocates and audiences value, promote and engage in and with dance and related professions. Dance education develops the physical, cognitive, artistic and social domains and is inclusive, diverse, transformative and progressive. With this aim, our call for papers invited researchers and scholars to address issues, developments, problems and questions relating to the future of dance education:
What is the current impact of research and practice for the future of dance education? What is the future for research in dance education? What are the possible agendas to navigate and critically engage dance in the future, politically and socially? How do we ensure the future for dance education and how might it transform or change? Potential contributors were asked to consider the future of dance education related to curriculum, vocational, health, artistic and performance agendas across different ages, stages, contexts, institutions, and economies; we welcomed exploration of workforce development, sustainability philosophically, socially, and pedagogically, as well as collaborative, interdisciplinary working practices, knowledge exchange and impact, and socio-political, strategic and ecological futures.
A large number of wide-ranging submissions were received. As guest editor, I am pleased to present this collection of original papers addressing dance futures in theory and practice. My sincere appreciation to all of the contributing authors.
Table of Contents
Doug Risner
“Project Trans(m)it: Creating Dance Collaboratively via Technology A Best Practices Overview”
Mizanty, Megan
2017 Linda Rolfe New Writer’s Prize
“Building Bridges for Dance Through Arts-Based Research”
Wilson, Lisa
“Gender differences in motivation for participation in extra-curricular dance: Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour”
Anderson, Steven
“The transgressive possibilities of foregrounding somatic values”
Schupp, Karen
“Digital technology in the tertiary dance technique studio: expanding student engagement through collaborative and co-creative experiences.”
Huddy, Avril